(In alphabetical order)
Giulio Blasi
Executive Director, Horizon Ltd
Giulio Blasi is the founder and CEO at MLOL (MediaLibraryOnLine) the leading e-lending and digital library platform in Italy.
Valentina Bondesan
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member Associazione Italiana Biblioteche Italian Library Association - AIB, and Rete delle Reti (Italian Network of the Networks - RdR, Italy
Valentina Bondesan works in CSBNO - Culture Socialità Biblioteche Network Operativo, a special consortium company composed by the libraries of 32 towns in the north-west of Milan metropolitan area, as Head of Innovation and Development of Library Networks. She is coordinator of local library systems. She draws up and manages plans and processes for the relaunch and requalification of library networks. Between 2019 and 2022 she served as member of the Italian Public Library National Committee. In 2019 she contributed to the birth of RdR – Rete delle Reti, an association of public library networks around the country. Today she is a member of the Executiove Committee of RdR and she is member of the EBLIDA Executive Committee for the term 2021-2024. She has an in-depth knowledge of the themes of fundraising, crowdfunding and cultural marketing. She is interested in gamification, immersive media and new technologies, and digital literacy. |
Julie Calmus
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member Association des Bibliothécaires Français - ABF, France
I run with Elenore Clavreul the international commission of the French library association (ABF). At EBLIDA, I represent ABF and CFIBD (Comité français international bibliothèques et documentation) another important French librarian association that funds a lot of association representations) Professionally, I run the Public department of Bordeaux public libraries.
Claude D. Conter
Director National Library Luxembourg
Claude D. Conter, Head of the National Library in Luxembourg since 2020. German and Communication Studies in Berlin and Bamberg. Research assistant at the Universities of Bamberg, Munich and Sewanee (TN; USA) and at the National Center of Literature (L). Various publications on Luxembourg studies, the relationship between literature and politics, literature and law, drama and theatre, and contemporary literature.
Andrew Cranfield
Director, Municipal Library of Toender, Denmark
Andrew Cranfield is the director of the Municipal Library of Tønder in Southern Denmark, approx. 7 KM north of the German Border.
Andrew served as director of EBLIDA from 2006-2009 and was elected to the EBLIDA Executive Committee in 2021 and is also a member of EGIL (Expert Group on Information Law).
Since 2021 he has also been a member of the Board of the Danish Association of Public Library Managers.
Kaja Cunk
Programme Manager, Association for Culture and Education PiNA, Slovenia
Kaja Cunk is programme manager at Association for Culture and Education PiNA, with 10+ years of experience in managing, monitoring and evaluating international projects. Her expertise is in civic monitoring, participatory processes and citizens engagement.
She has more than 7 years of work experience in the field of preparing project applications for local (municipality) tenders, national and international calls (Erasmus+, CERV Programme, Creative Europe Programme, Norwegian Youth Employment Fund, Interreg Programme).
Over the years, she has led and moderated many public events, round tables, discussion evenings and political debates for regional and national authorities and representative bodies.
Marina Encheva
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member Bulgarian Library and Information Association - BLIA, Bulgaria
Marina Encheva is an Associate Professor at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria). She holds Master’s degree in Library and Information Sciences and PhD degree in Information Retrieval System from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Dr. Encheva has experience as a librarian at the American University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and at the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia. She was also an expert at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science and at the National Centre for Information and Documentation. In the period 2017-2023 Marina Encheva has been a coordinator of two Erasmus+ projects related to the enhancement of digital literacy skills of students, librarians and teachers through the game-based learning approach. She is a member of the European Distance and E-Learning Network and since 2018 – a member of the Executive Committee of EBLIDA. |
Patrick Engelberg
Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the Council of Europe
Patrick Engelberg is since August 2021 the Permanent Representative (Ambassador) of Luxembourg to the Council of Europe. Previously, he was the Luxembourg Representative to the Political and Security Committee of the European Union in Brussels and before that the Luxembourg Ambassador to the United Kingdom (2013-2017). During his mandate at the Council of Europe, Luxembourg will be holding the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers (Nov 2024 till May 2025). Patrick Engelberg studied History and Political Science in Luxembourg and in France (Strasbourg and Sorbonne). He is a keen reader and has so far devoted much energy and enthusiasm to various cultural themes throughout his career and especially at the Council of Europe. |
Kristine Fjord Tolborg
Director of CHORA 2030, Denmark
I am focused on engaging citizens of all ages in developing a more sustainable society and way of living. I help transform ideas into action and scale bottom-up initiatives to create change. My role varies from concept developer to project manager and social entrepreneur. Experienced guest speaker and workshop facilitator.
For a detailed profile visit LinkedIn.
Matjaź Gruden
Director of the Division Democratic Participation, Council of Europe
Matjaž Gruden is Director of Democratic Participation at the Council of Europe, which includes Council of Europe activities and programmes in the area of education, including education for democratic citizenship, youth cooperation, culture and cultural heritage, landscape and biodiversity. The Directorate also includes the Platform for the protection of Journalists, the Eurimages film fund and the North-South Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity. Matjaž Gruden previously served as Director of Policy Planning, Deputy Director of the Private Office of the Secretary General, political adviser and speechwriter for the Secretary General and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Prior to his career at the Council of Europe, he was a diplomat at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, posted in Brussels. He holds a law degree from the Law Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, as well as a post-graduate degree in EU law from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. |
Stuart Hamilton
Head of Libraries Development, Local Government Management Agency, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Stuart Hamilton is the national advisor on public libraries and leads the development and implementation of the national public library strategy across 31 local authorities.
Prior to the LGMA, he was the Deputy Director of the Qatar National Library between 2017 and 2019, and worked for nine years before that at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) headquarters in The Hague where he became Deputy Secretary General.
He is the current Chair of the National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe (NAPLE) Forum, the Chair of IFLA’s Europe Regional Division, and a member of IFLA’s Regional Council, as well as a member of the Library Association of Ireland Council.
Sander van Kempen
Senior Adviser, Royal Library of Netherlands
Sander van Kempen, M.Sc. Studied Cooperative Computing at Kenniscentrum Cibit / Middlesex University of London. He has a background in IT with several commercial organizations and set up his own business in 2000 with a focus on e-books. He moved to the public library sector in 2011 and has worked for the National Library since 2015. In this role he works with public libraries and participates in international organizations such as IFLA and NAPLE. He also works with public and national libraries in the Caribbean region since 2018.
Ilona Kish
Director, Public Libraries 2030, Brussels, Belgium
Ilona Kish previously served as Secretary General of Culture Action Europe, a European Umbrella association promoting arts and cultural associations across Europe. She has extensive experience advocating towards the EU institutions and running awareness-raising campaigns, as well as a thorough working knowledge of both the operational and political functions of the various EU institutions.
Hella Klauser
EBLIDA Vice-President Bibliothek & Information Deutschland - BID, Germany
- Since 2005 responsible for international cooperation within the Network of Excellence for Libraries (knb) at the German Library Association in Berlin, Germany
- between 2013- 2016 Head of the 'Libraries' Department at the Goethe-Institute (German cultural Institute), Head Office in Munich, Germany
- 1991 - 2003 Head of the libraries of the Goethe-Institutes in Tokyo, Japan, and Paris, France
- 1989-1991 Library Director at the German-American Institute in Heidelberg
- Member of Executive Committee in EBLIDA since 2019, since 2021 EBLIDA vice-president
- Member of IFLA Standing Committee ‘Management of Library Associations’ (since 2017); and ‘Management and Marketing’ Section.
- Since August 2021 representing Germany in IFLA’s new Regional Division Europe.
- Various publications and lectures on international library topics
- Studies of library science (diploma) and comparative literature and linguistics (M.A.) at Stuttgart University, Germany
Katrina Kukaine
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member Latvijas Nacionālā Bibliotēka, Latvia
Mg.geogr., spatial development planner, specialized in historic environment, works in the National library of Latvia as the Director of the Development department. Before worked many years for the National Heritage Board, from 2014 till 2020 as the Deputy Head. Previous education in communication sciences, specially – media ethics. Has also diploma in European affairs (economy, policy, justice) of University of Latvia, Policy research institute of Aix-ne-Provence and Centre of European studies of University Nancy II. Worked in the French Embassy in Latvia in Cultural and Education division, leaded the elaboration of the Library (mediatheque) in the French Institute in Riga (1999-2006). Member of the Baltic Sea States Monitoring group on Cultural Heritage protection (2007-2014), member of the international Steering group for elaboration of the nomination for UNESCO World Heritage list „Viking sites in Northern Europe”. Member of ICOMOS Latvia, Board member from 2014, since October 2020 President of the Board. Author of several publications on cultural heritage and spatial planning. |
Rauha Maarno
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member Celia Library for the Visually Impaired, Finland
Rauha Maarno works with customer and public relations in Accessibility Library Celia in Helsinki. Her interests and expertise include accessibility, the role of libraries in the society and leadership for change. She has also worked with non-profit organization management for a strategic change towards more active advocacy for libraries.
Juha Manninen
Executive Director, Suomen kirjastoseura/Finnish Library Association, Finland
Juha Manninen, MBA, serves as the Executive Director of the Finnish Library Association.
He has extensive hands-on experience in the field, having held numerous positions at the Turku City Library over 2 decades. He advocated in Finnish Library Association 2012-2019 and is a member of IFLA Public Libraries Section since 2021.
He was a member in Finnish Library Act revision working group in 2015.
Rianne van Melik
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Dr. Rianne Melik is an associate professor at the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment of Radboud University, (the Netherlands).
Her research focuses on geographies of encounter, studying a wide range of public spaces including open-air markets and public libraries. In the international, European-funded research project Infrastructuring Libraries in Transition (ILIT), she currently researches the public library as a social infrastructure and how it is a ‘constantly becoming’ organisation that is (re)created by staff, volunteers, patrons and other stakeholder each operating day. Rianne combines this research with nearly twenty years of experience as a library volunteer.
Luca Moltmann
Project Officer, Public Libraries 2030, Brussels, Belgium
Luca has a background in cultural work with a focus on urban development issues.
She joined the team of PL2030 in November 2021 after several years of activity for the representation of interests of the profession of architects and urban planners at EU level.
She aims to contribute to the public and political visibility of the social and cultural relevance of public libraries in European cities.
Kent Oliver A strenuous Advocate of freedom of expression in libraries
Former Director of Nashville Public Library (NPL), Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Through his leadership, NPL expanded key programs to promote early reading, adult literacy, and digital learning. In June 2017, Library Journal and Gale named NPL Library of the Year. NPL’s Votes for Women Room opened in 2020 which celebrates the passage of the 19th Amendment and voting rights. In May 2022 NPL launched the nationally recognized I Read Banned Books campaign. Also, in 2022 NPL was named Library Journal’s Marketer of the Year. Kent is a senior fellow for the Public Policy and Advocacy office of the American Library Association, involved in policy discussions related to First Amendment freedoms. Kent is a three-time President of the Freedom to Read Foundation and has chaired the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the American Library Association (ALA). He received the Stark County Ohio Bar Association’s Liberty Bell Award for Defense of the First Amendment. His writings on intellectual freedom and defense of the First Amendment have been published in Forbes, The Costco Connection, The Tennessean, and more. He is a nationally and internationally known speaker on library issues and challenges including literacy and the freedom to read. |
Marie Østergaard
Director, Public Libraries of Aarhus and DOKK 1, Denmark
As Library Director of Aarhus Public Libraries, Marie oversees Dokk1 (the main library) and 18 branches. Since the beginning of her career in 2001 she has been part of Aarhus Public Libraries’ development of the library as a democratic space – a non-commercial space that empowers citizenship, sustainable communities and human growth. Focusing on the knowledge city, user-involvement, partnerships, design thinking and rethinking of library space, she has investigated new technologies, involvement processes and organisational learning in library development.
Mairead Owens
EBLIDA Treasurer Director, City Library of Dublin, Ireland
Mairead Owens was appointed Dublin City Librarian on 1 April 2019. She joined the City Council from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) where she had been County Librarian for ten years. Mairead brings with her a wealth of experience, notably the development of the internationally acclaimed dlr LexIcon, the central library and cultural centre in Dún Laoghaire.
Zélia Parreira
EBLIDA Executive Committee Member, Chair of LIBLEG - Expert Group on Library Legislation and Policy in Europe, Director of the Public Library of Évora, PhD Full Member of CIDEHUS-UE (Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Culture and Societies, University of Evora), Portugal
PhD in Information and Documentation Sciences (2018): "The legal regulation of Public Libraries in Portugal". Post-graduation in Library and Information Science (1996). Degree in History (1994). Director of the Public Library of Évora (2014-). Member of the Executive Committee of EBLIDA (2021-2024). Chair of EBLIDA's Library Legislation EG (2022). Researcher at CIDEHUS-University of Evora. Trainer in Libraries' sector since 2001. Visiting assistant professor at University of Évora (2014-2016). Member of Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Information and Documentation Professionals (BAD). Frequently invited to conferences, colloquia, and professional meetings, to report her professional experience in creating strategies for affirming the public library in the community, or to disseminate the results of research in policy/strategy for development of a national public libraries service and legal regulations. Jury of the Portuguese Public Libraries Best Practices Award.
Alicia Sellés Carot
Chair of EBLIDA ELSIA - Expert Group European Libraries and Sustainable Development Implementation and Assessment Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística - FESABID, Spain
Librarian. Consultant for libraries and other information services. with special attention to social action and innovation, community transformation and sustainability. She combines these tasks with teaching in specialized courses, degrees and masters related to information management (UOC).
Chair of the "libraries and Agenda 2030" Working Group of the Library Cooperation Council and participates as an expert in the Library Labs Working Group Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of Spain.
Member of the executive of EBLIDA and of the IFLA Regional Division. Former president of FESABID.
Inga Surgunte
National Commission for UNESCO, Latvia
Inga Surgunte, Mg.art., Mg.philol., Culture Programme Director at the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, Head of the Sustainable Development projects at the Latvian Museum Association.
Rooted in arts, literature and language studies, Inga has found her professional passion in the heritage field as it embodies a unique combination of scientific expertise and artistic creation and has proven its potential for being a part of solution for contemporary challenges.
Malgorzata Szlendak
European Commission, Creative Europe, Poland
Malgorzata Szlendak, linguist and philologist by education. European civil servant, working in the EU institutions since the enlargement in 2004, first in the European Parliament, where she started as Polish language translator, here in Luxembourg. Then, she dealt with gender equality issues and culture, in particular the Creative Europe programme in the Parliament committee on culture and education secretariat for almost 9 years. Currently, since May 2022, a policy officer at the Directorate-General for Education and Culture, European Commission, where she is responsible among others for the Culture Moves Europe initiative, for the mobility of artists and cultural professionals, Day of European Authors and the OMC group on Libraries.
Anna Maria Tammaro
Professor, University of Parma, Italy
Since 1999, a digital library educator and coordinator of the international and by distance courses DILL Digital Library Learning and MAIS Master Information Studies.
Currently she is Editor in Chief of Digital Library Perspectives, and Column Editor of International Information Library Review, partner of the TLIT4U Erasmus Project within the University of Parma Team.
She is Convenor of the IFLA Library History SIG and Treasure of the ASIS&T Education SIG.
Spaska Tarandova
Executive Director, Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation Bulgaria
Spaska has been working in the library field for more than 30 years, most of them at Sofia City Library, including as a Deputy Director for 5 years. In the period 2011 – 2013. Since 2015, she has been serving as an Executive Director of the Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF) that works with network of 960 public libraries in Bulgaria to provide free access to computers, Internet and information for all. She joined in the “Librarians of Tomorrow: Communication and Leadership” program at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2012-2015 she was the Bulgarian participant in the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators (INELI), sponsored by Gates Foundation. Membership: Bulgarian Library and Information Association, Board Member, Member of PLS Standing Committee, IFLA |
Giuseppe Vitiello
Director, EBLIDA
Giuseppe Vitiello has been Director, EBLIDA since 2019. From 1989 to 2018 he served as Head of Unit, Programme Adviser and Expert in various international organisations: European Commission, Council of Europe, ISSN International Centre, EU-ISS and NATO Defence College. Earlier in his carrier, he acted as Head R&D, National Library in Florence and lectured at the Universities of Orléans and Toulouse. He also held visiting positions at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart and the University of Venice.
Ton van Vlimmeren
President EBLIDA
Ton van Vlimmeren is since 2018 President of EBLIDA, the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations. He is also active as one of the founders of Public Libraries 2030. For twenty years he was director governor of the Utrecht Public Library. He held various board positions in the library world and is active in IFLA, in the International network of the Bertelsmann Foundation, and of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Gwenny Vlaemynck
Product Manager Digitale Collecties, Belgium
Gwenny is productmanager digital collections at Cultuurconnect. She is responsible for the Flemish e-book platform and in this position she contributes to the creation of a balanced ecosystem for e-books in Flanders.
Steven de Waal
Chairman, Public Space Foundation, Netherlands
Dr. Steven P.M. de Waal is an opinion leader, keynote speaker, author and board chairman of the Public Space Foundation. With years of experience as chairman of multiple boards, he earned his PhD on the subject of civil leadership.
For a detailed profile visit LinkedIn.
Ulla Wimmer
Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Dr. Ulla Wimmer is lecturer and researcher in library and information science with a strong background in the library field and work for the German Library Association. Her areas of expertise include library statistics, library management and the history and current role of public libraries.
Maarten Zeinstra
Intellectual Property lawyer, Knowledge Rights 21, Netherlands
Maarten Zeinstra LL.M. M.Sc. is an intellectual property lawyer (jurist) and information professional. With his one-man consultancy firm, IP-Squared, he provides strategic and practical advice in the public sector on how to provide more access to information, culture and knowledge. He is also the copyright coordinator for the Netherlands Association of the Archive Sector.