Programme(Conference Presentation Slides are inserted into the Programme)
Download the Quick Program Overview (PDF) Monday, 17 April - Internal Meetings (Pre-Conference Day)Registration desk open: 9:00 ("Salle de reunion" on the 2nd floor) 9:30 - 11:30: EBLIDA Executive Committee Meeting (Conference room)
Meeting point: National Library of Luxembourg (NLL), behind the building (rue Albert Borschette)
Registration desk open: 8:30 ("Salle de reunion" on the 2nd floor) 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome session and Keynote speeches Keynote speakers Introduction to the conference on three levels: the international and societal levels, the organizational and the management perspective 9:15 - 9:35 What is democratic participation and how libraries empower citizens: The Council of Europe promotes human rights through international conventions and other legal instruments. It enables Europe’s citizens to participate effectively in today’s diverse and complex democratic societies. It encourages active and responsible citizenship by empowering citizens to contribute and develop a sense of ownership over the activities of decision-makers and institutions. In order to promote democratic participation and the promotion of human rights in libraries, the Council of Europe has drafted together with EBLIDA a Recommendation on Library Legislation and Policy in Europe. 9:35 - 9:45 Video-contribution: Libraries and library directors under siege In several European countries libraries are confronted with political interference in their profession, collection, and programs. In recent years in the United States, many libraries experience this to the extreme. What is happening? How does this affect libraries and the profession? How do directors stand in the storm? What can we learn from this? Kent Oliver will join us by video to inform us and give us food for thought. 9:45 - 10:10 How librarians create the library every day Ms Rianne van Melik is a specialist on public libraries as third place and how libraries implement democracy in their every day’s work. 10.10 - 10:20 The future of library policies in Europe (I): The Council of Europe Recommendation on Library Legislation and Policy in Europe 10:20 - 10:30 Questions & Answers 10:30 - 11:00 Creating connections around a cup of coffee First Part: Round Table - What is the essence of library power?11:00 - 12.25 Three workshops Workshops are designed to translate the theme of the conference - library power - into possible library practices: what can we do? How can we do it? All Workshops will benefit from the support of a Chair and a Testimonial, and a Rapporteur. Workshop 1: Libraries as strong institutions (Amphi room) Chair and Testimonial: Mr Steven de Waal, Chairman, Public Space Foundation, Netherlands Steven de Waal will explore together with the participants what makes libraries stronger democratic institutions. Social media have disrupted relations in the public arena; citizens have new ways to request a place at the table and to let their voice be heard. This concerns the heart of our democratic system, its political architecture, public leadership, and the roles of public institutions. What can libraries learn from this, and which role can they play? Workshop 2: Active citizenship (Conference room A) Chair: Mr Matjaź Gruden, Director of the Division Democratic Participation, Council of Europe, Slovenia, and Testimonial: "Libraries as vehicles for democratic participation" Ms Marie Østergaard, Director, Public Libraries of Aarhus and DOKK 1, Denmark What does “democracy in libraries” mean? To work with communities is not only about interpreting their needs, but also to give voice to minorities, marginalised groups and people left behind. The emergence of an active citizenship is crucial in creating a cohesive society and consolidating libraries’ role. It is a role traditionally assigned to local communities, and libraries are often successful in integrating them into a more cohesive society. Workshop 3: Are libraries well prepared to face socio-economic and security challenges?(Conference room B) Ms Ulla Wimmer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Germany and Testimonial: Libraries' role during war in Ukraine Ms Katrina Kukaine, Latvijas Nacionālā Bibliotēka, Latvia Are libraries are well prepared to face socio-economic and security challenges? Ms Katrina Kukaine, director R&D, National Library of Latvia, will describe library readiness to react in the face of, and even prevent, unpredictable circumstances. This has been illustrated well by unforeseen crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and/or cybersecurity. This workshop is in ideal connection with the CoE draft Recommendation heading: “Global and local threats and library operations”. The Testimonial will bring example(s) of balanced narratives about the war in Ukraine in libraries and how they showed resilience in resisting adverse opinion and/or cancel culture stories. 12:20 - 12:30 Conclusions of the morning, Ton van Vlimmeren 12:30 - 14:15 Light lunch 14:00 - 14:05: Photo Session with all Participants in the NLL entrance hall (by the NLL photographer) Second Part: Policies for, around and within libraries14:15 - 15:45 Chair: Ms Hella Klauser, EBLIDA Vice-President, Bibliothek & Information Deutschland - BID, Germany 14:15 - 14:30 Sponsors’ corner:
14:30 - 15:00 The future of library policies in Europe (II): Libraries as gateways to and transmitters of cultural works, skills and European values (Council Resolution on the EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026, 2022/C 466/01) On November 29th the Council of the European Union issued a Council resolution on the EU Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026. Under priority b) Culture for the people: enhancing cultural participation and the role of culture in society a section is titled: “Building bridges: strengthen the multiple roles of libraries as gateways to and transmitters of cultural works, skills and European values”. What is the programme about? How will it develop? The European Commission reports. 15:00 - 15:15 Questions and Answers 15:15 - 15:45 Library policies on SDGs, democracy and e-lending (a Panel session): Can library legislation change the world? Library Certification for SDGs – scope and limits E-lending implementation in Belgium – Flemish community: a success but only to a certain extent 15:45 - 16:15 Creating connections around a cup of coffee 16:15 - 17:30 Three workshops: Policies within and around libraries Workshop 4: How can we use SDGs to reinforce library power? (Amphi room) Chair: Ms Mairead Owens, EBLIDA Treasurer, Director, City Library of Dublin, Ireland and Testimonial: How can we use SDGs to reinforce library power? Ms Inga Surgunte, National Commission for UNESCO, Latvia Workshop 4 will emphasise how SDGs do not consist of pure theory or episodical exhibits; their implementation need concrete policies and indicators through which SDG-oriented projects are assessed. This workshop reviews methods and techniques now in use in libraries. What policies should be set up? What is the shift from a reactive to a proactive way of pursuing SDGs? The Testimonial will focus on the policies that libraries, museums and archives are developing towards SDGs with a view to detecting similarities and differences in their approach. Workshop 5: Empowering citizens through digital literacy (Conference room A) BIBLIO - Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe Chair: Ms Spaska Tarandova, Director, Global Libraries Foundation, Bulgaria, and Testimonial: Empowering citizens through digital literacy Professor Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy Workshop 5 is about digital literacy and librarian skills aimed to empower citizens through digital literacy. Trends in this field will be compared with Cedefop's European Skills Index (ESI) system with an eye to international indicators and IFLA UNESCO definitions of Media Information Literacy. Workshop 6: The European e-lending Summit (Conference room B) E-lending in the Netherlands Chair: Mr Sander van Kempen, Senior Adviser, Royal Library of Netherlands, and Testimonial: E-lending summit Mr Giuseppe Vitiello, Director, EBLIDA The main piece of reference for this workshop is the “EBLIDA Handbook on e-lending policies in Europe”. It is a fact that, even in countries where there are similarities in library systems, like the Nordic countries, e-lending models may be different. A set of recommendations included in the EBLIDA Handbook will be presented at the workshop. 17:30 - 17:40 Conference evaluation (orchestrated by Ms Sophie Felfoldi, EBLIDA) 17:40 - 17:45 Conclusions, Mr Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President 20:00 - Conference dinner: Restaurant Piri Piri Near to the tram station "Universitéit" (Map) Registration desk open: 8:30 ("Salle de reunion" on the 2nd floor) The joint session aims to turn what we’ve heard into strategies - what are our action points? What can we do as a sector? What can EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 do as a partnership? The joint session should sketch short-mid-long term opportunities for cooperation in the sector around the questions: What is our partnership? What do we do? Who does what? Shaping the future of European libraries together
12:30 - 14:30 Light lunch EBLIDA, PINA and PL2030 have joined forces to facilitate European libraries in accessing European programmes. Creative Europe, Erasmus+, CERV on the one hand, and the European Structural and Investment Funds (2021-2027) are only some of the programmes for which European libraries can successfully file applications. With grants received from Erasmus+, “Resourcing Libraries in the European Union” (RL:EU) is the EC-funded project intending to facilitate library access to European funds. Introducing RL:EU in Europe 14:30 - 14:45 RL:EU: what and why (Luca Moltmann, Kaja Cunk, Giuseppe Vitiello) Implementing RL:EU in Europe 15:05 - 15:10 RL:EU in Latvia (Katrina Kukaine) Workshop: I am filing an application – play with us! 15:30-15:35: Introducing the game (Giuseppe Vitiello) You are a Librarian and have a wonderful idea. You would like to file an application with the European Commission and receive a grant. Good luck to you! First problem – how to find the appropriate programme, if there is a multitude of them? Which project should you take as a model? Which distinctive criterion identifies a programme in relation to another? 15:35-16:15: Play starts – 3 Parallel sessions Parallel Session 1: (15:35-16:15 - Amphi) Presentation of the European Structural and Investment Presentation of three project summaries You have to guess:
Parallel Session 2: (15:35-16:15 - Conference Room A.) Presentation of Erasmus+ Presentation of three project summaries You have to guess:
Parallel Session 3: (15:35-16:15 - Conference Room B) Presentation of Creative Europe Presentation of three project summaries You have to guess:
Plenary session 16:15-16:25 Explaining the answers 16:25-16:30: Game over (Luca Moltmann)
Thursday, 20 April - Library Visit
9:30 - 11:30 Guided visit (in English) of the award-winning Luxembourg Learning Centre (University Library of Luxembourg) in Esch/Belval, Southern Luxembourg. The Library Visit require pre-registration. Please reserve your spot at the same time when registering to the conference. Transport: It usually takes 29 minutes to complete the 18 km journey. |
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